Art Around the Bend Submissions

The South Bend Museum of Art is putting on an exhibit of local artists, and the deadline is March 1st. I got a bit behind last week, but today I was able to really focus and make headway on a couple of paintings that I plan to enter.

This top one is “A Veteran’s Life”. It’s a 16x20 Oil on Canvas Panel. I think it’s self-explanatory.

The second one is called “Quality Assurance”.

This is actually a slightly older photo. I don’t know for sure these will be the two paintings I submit yet, but I am leaning that way.

This last one is a watercolor that I did to get a better idea for a painting that I plan to do called “It’s War Baby”, but I don’t think I’m going to have time to get this done before the submission window is closed. I have no idea why I am compelled to paint these, but I do know that it’s been beneficial to get them out of my head and onto a surface.