Mother and Son Dance

I worked a bit on a painting of my brother dancing with my mom yesterday and finished it up as far as I want to take it. I definitely feel like I’ve reached a point where I feel a lot better about getting to a point with a painting that says all I want to say and then stopping because I’m finished. There are things I would change, and I think that would be the case for eternity. So rather than pushing and pulling forever, I will step back, say “Good enough” and then move on to the next one. This is, of course, a position that I am in because these things are not commissions and as a result it doesn’t matter what someone else wants from the paintings.

I did this one on gessoed watercolor paper, a technique I stopped using for a while, and I am glad that I did it that way. This was a moment I captured where my brother and mom were dancing to Country Roads at the reception. It was a very happy moment for me, and I wanted to make sure I did this so that, hopefully, it will remind them of how wonderful that night was.