Festival of Banners

We’re dealing with some kind of stomach/cough situation in the house, so things have slowed down a bit. I also am digging into some old writing from a book I had hoped to finish about 6 years ago. So far things are going in a good direction. I get to drop off my painting “War Baby: Quality Control” to the SBMA for art around bend this weekend and I’m working on submission for the festival of banners. I had hoped that would be a festival of Bruce Banners in various stages of Hulkification, but it seems they are the kind of banners one would hang or put on a website or something. I’m not done with it yet, but this is saying what I want to say I think. The first baby I drew was the one in the flak helmet, and as I worked more that one became less like the rest. In addition to that, I changed the skin tone and the color of the t-shirt for the final two drawings. I think it needs one more image in the cycle, but I may just do the color correction and redraw the baby with the grenade and then focus on the background. I think red is the right color, but it’s easy to change it digitally and see what other hues do.